Terms & Conditions
I am aware the information on these pages has not been evaluated by the TGA. The services offered are not clinical, pharmaceutical or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Choosing to utilise the services on these pages means I take full responsibility for using the capsules at my own risk.
I am aware placenta encapsulation is experimental in nature, whilst the benefits of consuming the placenta post birth are based on research studies, articles and testimonials from new mothers this research is ongoing and Mother Organic does not give any warranty or representation that these benefits are guaranteed.
I am aware if I choose to utilise these services I take full responsibility of my own health and for researching and using the remedies provided in this service.
I agree that Mother Organic is not liable and does not take responsibility for any results or effects I may experience before, during or after consuming the capsules. Mother Organic can not determine with absolute certainty whether my placenta should be consumed and makes no guarantee of my personal results from the capsules. *If it looks, feels or smells off then I will advise against encapsulation and recommend burial instead.
I am not carrying any transmittable diseases such as Hep B, C Syphyllis or HIV 1 & 2. *Please provide proof with medical history.
All methods of decontamination and sterilization of equipment used by Mother Organic are practiced to government guidelines and regulations.